Tag Archives: purpose

Gardening….and how much work it can take…

I grew up with gardens. Two large ones where my parents grew our vegetables that we ate fresh, and that my mother canned and we ate throughout the winter. Two things they didn’t plant were potatoes and corn. I’m not sure why. Just about most of the common vegetables were there, though; green beans, asparagus, tomatoes galore, salad greens of all sorts, carrots, beets, sweet peas, cucumbers and dill weed, chives and green onions, swiss chard and more.

As kids, it was our job to weed two rows every day in the summer – a job my older brother HATED but one I felt grounded in doing. It is no surprise that he didn’t like most vegetables, but I Ioved them all. My mother taught me how to can them and it really did make me feel like I was learning some really valuable life lessons, because I was. I canned for many years when I was on my own, but unfortunately, unless you grew your own food in large quantities, it became uneconomical to keep doing it. As that craze increased in popularity, the canning equipment, like jars and covers, became more expensive as the demand for them rose. That’s typical of anything. Plus, you need plenty of space to store your canned goods.

Soil is key to a good garden, and gardens must be kept watered. All gardens, flowers and vegetables, alike. I thought that by saving all my food scraps from my fruits and vegetables and throwing them all winter on top of my gardens, and then turning them over in the spring to mix with the dirt, was all the nutrients I needed to add. I used organic foods scraps, I had LOTS of worms and worms produce waste that fertilizes your soil. I would start my plants indoors in March or April and be able to plant them sometimes even a month early, depending on our weather here in the northern USA. My plants would start to thrive and I would see the blooming of their flowers, which I knew would turn into my food. I would see the start of a zucchini, or broccoli and feel happy. Then about a week later, I would see the vegetable start to turn yellow, or dry up, even though I was watering. It was hard to work outside the house in the summer and keep up the watering because I was coming home late and I didn’t want to stand outside when it was dark.

My vegetable gardening friends would have bountiful fruits of their labor. Tons of tomatoes… So, I started putting some of them in pots. Same thing. I could have six feet tall plants of tomatoes that looked healthy and see the flowers start, and then they would die off. I was so disappointed. I didn’t really know what to do. I looked into different ways of gardening (but didn’t try some of them) like gardening in bales of straw, raised gardens, trellises or other ways for things to climb. I swear I spent hundreds of dollars trying to get a few platefuls of food.

I noticed, though, that I didn’t have many bees or butterflies. I heard that others had many. I’m sure not having enough pollinators was creating an issue for me. Maybe my plants just didn’t entice them to come. I mean, how could someone less than a mile from me not have the same problem? The one thing I wasn’t doing was adding new top soil to my gardens. I remember many years back that same brother was adding sheep manure to some plants he was growing and he said it was quite effective.

So, this year I changed how I treated my soil. I added top soil, cow manure, earthworm casings, and organic fertilizers. I still throw my kitchen scraps on my gardens. I water, nightly, if it hadn’t rained. I do my best to keep the weeds out of the vegetable gardens, but the flower gardens aren’t as clean looking, this year… it has paid off. I am getting more blossoms that are turning into food. My plants are huge in one garden and I think I will get lucky this year. I think that I have been sharing with the bunnies and squirrels, even though I feed them to buy them off. I’ve noticed that I have corn growing that I didn’t plant… It looks like I could get a bumper crop of potatoes. I used the eyes of my organic potatoes that were growing in my refrigerator. It worked.

I joined a group who are trying to keep natural ways of gardening alive. They claim there are ways to grow, anywhere. I just watched six modules how to plant in buckets. I had no idea how many steps my own pots were lacking, and why these steps are so necessary. I haven’t tried them as I need different supplies to create these. These aren’t pots, but translucent 3.5 gallon buckets that you can use in the house all winter long. Obviously, they won’t produce the same amount as a garden outside, but they may be good enough to plant herbs, or one plant per bucket, if it is a larger plant. I have great south windows that they can stay in front of – away from my plant destructive cats.

It is good that I don’t need to depend on my gardening for my food supply. Maybe someday I will. I am learning some very good skills. I am learning how to compost in small amounts so that it is ready sooner. The ingredients in the buckets can be used over again, and it makes up a part of your new compost. I hope they are selling straw, still, as it is an important ingredient for the buckets.

I WILL master this.


How discouraging thoughts can create resistance for your goals…

We all have them… even the best thinkers run into blocks, and resistance, and old subconscious tapes that no longer serve us, even if they did in our youth.  These old tapes protected us, on some level.  When you were born, and acclimated to this world, you did not know (or should I say, remember) fear.  You did not know that if you climbed a tree and fell out, that you would get hurt.  You just saw the climbing of the tree will get you to a higher place.  I loved being alone as a child, for many reasons.  I would climb trees.  Not only did it bring me to higher ground where I could see things differently, and see more of the land, but it kept me in a quiet place where I could meditate, think about things that I thought could get me in trouble.  For example, I never felt like I was alone.  I don’t mean that God wasn’t with me, as I knew God was always there.  I felt that I was being watched, and how do you tell that to someone without the fear of being locked up? I can see air, and I have told this to a few people, and some look at me like I am nuts.  I realize that I am able to see this energy, or maybe this is what Dr.Wayne Dyer calls Intention, everywhere I go – eyes open or shut.  Another has described it for me, Dr. Jacob Liberman, in his book “Light, Medicine of the Future” “that air was not invisible, but has a visible energy that could be observed in both particle and wave form.”

As I progressed on my journey in life, I realized that who was watching me were my angels, spirit guides, ancestors, and all that is Holy.  It took outsiders to tell me along the way, that spirit was always trying to get my attention. My own clients pointed out my Empathic gifts. I used them, because that is who I am, but I didn’t always trust its’ messages.  As I accepted this to be true, I realized that others in my family had similar gifts, or “knowings”. And now, I speak to anyone I choose about these things.  So, even though I knew there was an energy, per se, that permeated everything, and that it was at my fingertips to use, I didn’t know how to do that.  Again, in my journey of life, I discovered that the old tapes in my head were no longer useful to me, and instead of protecting me, were actually harming me, and keeping me from my life purpose, and it manifested many times in my finances.  Painful lessons. Still dealing with some of the side effects..

That created discouragement, in turn, created self doubts (lack of confidence in yourself), self worth issues (says it all..), and self doubting efficacy problems (belief you can reach that goal you – imaginarily set? – and sustain in that momentum – that same behavior – that started it all, and can you keep it going?),  in getting done the things that I needed to do to continue in my life’s vocation, and manifest wealth. Whew!  Did THAT sentence wear you out?!  It did me. And, will still wear me down if I keep putting my intention in that direction.  It doesn’t make sense to continue in this fashion… hmmm..  What has all that cost me; past, present, AND FUTURE? Let me count the ways.. Money, time for myself, time for my loved ones, sickness in my body, using things to compensate, over working, over thinking, spilling into my family life, spreading the same rules of self sabotage… not paying attention, hits the pocketbook, unclear thinking, much less focus on a path, wrinkles in face forming, another three pounds… Debt piles, pay it off, piles again, have some money, give it away – good way to stay in self doubt and worth.  No, life meant growth, but not negative growth, because that’s the opposite of expansion.  That’s implosion – not good. Causes stress and disease in the body, manifests into illness, that eventually doubles the expenses to me.  Sounds like getting rid of the blocks is a very good idea! Yes!! Are you ready? ‘Cuz I Am!!!!!

I procrastinated, told myself that it’s others and not me, and all the other self sabotaging thoughts that kept me from fully using my gifts…. that I SUPPOSEDLY thanked God for giving me! I know very well that I helped many people heal, but I didn’t want to do that as a “wounded warrior”.  That created a feeling of not being in my own integrity.  How could I tell others that “this” works, but wondered inside if that was also meant for me.  So, I knew I needed to do  my own inner work, as well.  I remember Suze Orman saying once that she had 250K (I believe) in debt, yet she was doing wealth coaching.  Of course, she turned it around, but sometimes we have to get to a position to see ourselves; therefore, heal ourselves, so we can help heal others.  I always see myself in all that I tell my clients, and in all that I read.  I take action, then.  If you have been divorced, you CANNOT talk to someone about divorce without seeing your own divorce, and the pain that caused. You can’t unsee. Once you become aware of the blocks in your life that keep you from manifesting – health, wealth, and true joy – then can you change their destructive thinking patterns.  There are tools you can use.

There is no 1% in the way that UNLIMITED Abundance means, it’s just that – God has no limits to what we ask in His Name, in His Laws, however you describe your Highest Power. Absolutely everyone can make money, if that’s where your focus is.  But, what blocks are getting in your way?  The Law of Attraction has ALWAYS been spoken off, in my belief system as a Christian, and I now understand even better some of Christ’s references – “if you had the faith of a mustard seed, you would tell that mountain to get up and move, and it would”.  “Be not afraid…” “Before you ask, I will answer”, BEFORE YOU ASK!! means to me Someone greater than me has been there.  Did I paraphrase that well?  The only blocks this energy has, are the ones you put on it.  Remove them and let the energy flow, and as you gain momentum on your healing path, many seemingly miraculous things can happen.  Just crack open the door…just a bit…

And, LOVE is key. Practice Love wherever you can, and don’t forget yourself.  You are a unique expression of Source.  Be authentic, because whatever is going on inside of you, will extend to others.  May it be peace and love and joy.

Stress – the body’s reaction to perception… hmmmm….     Would love to hear your positive comments.

Mary EK Denison, L. Ac., Transformational Coach

Rapha-El Alternative Therapies, LLC  and  BeautifyNaturally, LLC   http://www.BeautifyNaturally.com




COMMITTMENT: EVERY DAY, plain and simple.

New year. Every January I go through old files, purging those not needed, and gathering my information for my taxes, to give to my preparer.  I have been making some daily habits to improve myself, my life, and my business.  I am always seeking new things.  I daily find things for which to be grateful. I daily find at least two ways to honor someone, somehow.  I daily pray. I daily do my EFT tapping and participate in learning new and better ways to coach my clients, encouraging them to do things daily, also, as that is the only way to manifest.  In my papers, I came across this piece written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a German Philosopher, who died March 22, 1832, in Weimar, Germany.

“Until ONE IS COMMITTED, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.  Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation) there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, THEN PROVIDENCE MOVES, TOO. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred.  A whole stream of events issue from that decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamt would have come his way.”



Mary EK Denison, L.Ac., Esthetician, Transformational Coach

Rapha-El AlternativeTherapies, LLC/BeautifyNaturally Facial Rejuvenation and BodySculpting   http://www.BeautifyNaturally.com

Free 30 minute face to face consultation for BeautifyNaturally services. By appointment. 612-728-0844

Phone coaching available, $75.00/hour plus taxes. secured with credit card. One hour minimum.  Appointment set in advance.

New Year, New Paradigms

It can be amazing how something can shift in your life, and how you can immediately shift the way you think. For example, I have had cats and dogs for easily the past 40+ years.  They require care, and sometimes lots of care and time,  especially if you get a high maintenance buddy.  I had no idea how that time and care could increase (when you have several animals) until they got fleas because two of them had gotten into a dead rabbit.  WOW! If you’ve ever had fleas in your house, you understand what I am saying.  Not only do you have to spend the next three months, minimum, to get through all the cycles of killing them from your animals, you have to de-flea the ENTIRE house, several times over.  Flea eggs can lay dormant for three months – and they are TINY.  I was truly amazed at how quickly I detached from many items in  my house.  This is because all clothes, furniture, carpeting, KNICK KNACKS, books, shelves, floors, counter tops, and anything in the open, must be cleaned with either bleach, or special cleaning agents meant for that purpose, and because fleas have INCREDIBLE jumping power, you have no idea where they are..

So, once I found out, I immediately started bathing the animals – Oh GOD – while my son made a clean room, and as things were de-flea’d to the best of our possibility, we put our cleaned items in there until we got through the whole house, more than once. I don’t wish this on my worst enemy.  So, I questioned God, for what PURPOSE did You send me fleas?  And, my answer was so that I could learn detachment.  I built a fire in the fireplace that night, and I simply started burning things that I no longer wanted to keep.  I was concerned about passing them on to someone else, and the amount of laundry that this created, not knowing what might have fleas as cats go EVERYWHERE, gave us enough work.  So, I pillaged and burned that night.. I started crying, not because of the loss of items, but because I knew the amount of work I and my sons had ahead of us, and I mourned the loss of time that I had planned on spending on my business.  So, when the answer of detachment to things came to me, I had a new light on what was happening, and I now still continue to purge those things  which no longer have use in my life, or use for the greater good.  There is ALWAYS a silver lining, a spark of Light.

Reflecting on 2016, what desires did you have, or how hard did you work for something but you didn’t get the outcome you were looking for?  I’m sure many of us can relate to that.  I know I can, and had a particular thing I thought could happen – and it still might – but I had to let go of the how and my expectation of how, and that I might not get it. How did that make you feel?  I know I experienced sadness, actually a great sadness, because I REALLY wanted my outcome to happen.  I had a whole future planned around it.  Again, the story may not be completed, yet, for me. I have to honor that part of me, and respect the whole story, my participation, and willingness to simply experience the experience. I have a whole book I could write on it. Who knows, it could actually make me rich, in the end.  I kicked and screamed, and cursed, and apologized, and asked for forgiveness, and cried, and laughed, and felt incredible love. I’m not afraid to cry. As growth is very important to me, I use techniques that I have learned to dig deeper into my subconscious, to understand where the real root lies in me to have created this whole scenario. Somewhere, somehow, it vibrates with some other deep experience.  I use EFT tapping, the Sway test, the Healing Code, Prayer – lots of Prayer, and I look for what the positives in this has done for me, and what was taught to me, and how the love always came like a golden ribbon swirling its way through it all. I am GRATEFUL and gratitude begets FAITH. Certain numbers would appear to me, like 234, 1234, which I am told are Angel numbers, and I am forever finding pennies and dimes on the ground – they jump out at me now.  My daily readings seemed to back up my participation, so I believed that I was to go through this for my greater good.

I encourage you to reflect on the most important experiences you had that made the biggest impression on you, but that might also have created a deep hurt in you.  Honor that.  Everything you need is inside you.  Nothing is bigger than you.  Call on something greater than you, and listen in stillness. You are surrounded by Light, and you are in the middle of a miracle. You are beautiful. You are worthy of love. Love is your birthright.

How can I help?

Mary EK Denison, L.Ac., CCP,  Esthetician, Transformational Coach

Rapha-El Alternative Therapies, LLC/BeautifyNaturally Facial Rejuvenation and BodySculpting     http://www.BeautifyNaturally.com    612-728-0844

Free 30 minute face to face consultation for BeautifyNaturally services, by appointment only.

Phone coaching available, $75.00/hour (one hour minimum), appointment set up in advance, secured with a credit card.

My Successful Life

I have all the KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS I need to have a successful BUSINESS, and I ATTRACT all the customers I need for TOTAL SUCCESS. Everything I need for success is in me.  I am COMPLETE AND WHOLE.

I have a continuing FLOW OF CUSTOMERS, who are SATISFIED with  my work, and who tell others about my UNIQUE ways. I have a POSITIVE ATTITUDE about my work, and what I can ACCOMPLISH to fulfill  my customers needs. I am always happy and ready to serve them. I am RESOURCEFUL.

There is always a POSITIVE OUTCOME when I TRUST, and I always come out ahead.  I am surrounded by Light, and I am in the middle of a MIRACLE, all the time.  I invite miracles into my life.  I am READY AND WILLING to accept all the ABUNDANCE God has planned for my life, and more. I have complete faith in GOD’S DESIGN for me.  I am successful in what I do, and I CAN MANIFEST all that I need, because with GOD ON MY SIDE, nothing is bigger than me.

I am CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE, and I am CONFIDENT in my abilities.  I ATTRACT positive, like-minded people to me, who are HONEST, AUTHENTIC, and moving towards the GREATER GOOD for humanity.  I am PRODUCTIVE AND FOCUSED. I have UNWAVERING FAITH I will ACHIEVE all my GOALS.  I open MY HEART and ALLOW WONDERFUL THINGS to flow to me.  I am at PEACE and in love. The LOVE I give to others is returned to me MULTIPLIED.  I ACCEPT LOVE now.

I choose to think positive thoughts.  I am BEAUTIFUL and complete.  I am WORTHY of God’s abundance, as it is my BIRTHRIGHT. I open my heart to love and abundance, now.  I am POWERFUL.  I am GRATEFUL. I am AMAZINGLY MADE.  I am constantly TRANSFORMING my life, and always MAKING IMPROVEMENTS as I GO FORWARD.  I use my challenges to CREATE A BETTER ME.  I am a RADIANT HUMAN being, full of the LIGHT AND LOVE OF GOD.  The HOLY SPIRIT INSPIRES CHANGE in me. JESUS CHRIST IS MY LORD, my Friend, and my Savior.  I CAN’T FAIL!


Awake to Awareness, your Inner Light

For much of my life, I have had cats.  They have ALWAYS AMAZED me the way they do their day.  It seems like they are sleeping most of the time (unless they are kittens who tend to play), or lazily walking around the house.  Before they get up from a nap, they like to stretch their whole body, as if they don’t have a care in the world – and many of them don’t.  But, when they place their FOCUS ON SOMETHING, they are very much aware what is going on.  For instance, there have been times when a bird has fallen into my fireplace (I keep a screen around it) and my hunter will stay in front of it for hours, just waiting.  Totally AWARE.  Totally ALERT. Totally focused and fixated.  In order for me to save the bird, I have to lock the cat up in another room, open the front door and try to chase the bird in that direction.  Eventually, I WIN.  I Am totally aware of the bird, at all times.  I Am totally focused, for if I wasn’t, I may not see that the bird flew into a different room instead of out the door.  Only after the bird is safe does the cat get let out.  She is still aware, but also knows that there is nothing to be fixated on any longer.  Then she goes and attends something else, usually on her food.  Then back to napping. The other thing I’ve noticed about cats (or dogs) is that even though they seem to spend a fair amount of time resting, when duty calls, they are totally alert and READY FOR THE JOB AT HAND.  And, they stay with that job until it is done.

Animals have high instincts, but they cannot ENVISION THE FUTURE, like we can.  At least we are CAPABLE of envisioning a future providing we place our ATTENTION on one.  Some people walk around ‘asleep’ for most of the time, half heartedly doing their ‘job’, but not in a RESTED STATE.  As a matter of fact, many are in a stressed state, and aren’t able to envision their future, for whatever reason.  Or, they envision a future that mirrors the state they are currently in.  By keeping themselves in a negative vibrational state, they attract the same type of energy. Half-hearted awareness can create confusion, dullness, and cause us to misunderstand the world around us.  A person who has awareness is more CALM AND PRESENT  because they CAN envision a BRIGHTER FUTURE.  They have CLARITY.  They have PURPOSE.  They can FORMULATE PLANS from their desires, and carry those plans out. Their awareness SHINES LIGHT on their future.  It’s as if your mind were a light bulb and awareness provides the current to turn it on.  I Am sure most of you have seen in cartoons whenever someone has an idea it is shown by a lightbulb turning on over their head.  They became ‘aware’ of an idea.  THOUGHTS ARE THINGS, when you place YOUR CONTINUED ATTENTION on it.  A thought follows another thought, and those thoughts continue to work on the idea as long as you keep YOUR DESIRE AND PERSISTENCE on that idea. COMMITMENT coupled with FAITH IS KEY.  When you are committed, PROVIDENCE TAKES OVER and provides you with the means to carry it out.  People come into your path, money shows up, doors open.  It may not be in the timeframe that we think it should happen, but IT IS HAPPENING AS IT SHOULD.

Keep your awareness sharp and vibrant (HIGH VIBRATIONS).  Awareness provides THE LIGHT YOU NEED, just like a light in a dark room.  You know when your flashlight’s batteries are low because the light becomes dim; therefore, the objects around you aren’t as clear and may even look like something else, altogether.  Keep the batteries of your mind new.  Place focus on your thoughts.  Don’t let mindless chatter, or worry rob you of the energy that you could be using for greater things.  Whatever you are doing right now, DO IT WITH GREATNESS.  OBSERVE WITHOUT JUDGEMENT.  When my mind moves into ‘cerebral chatter’, I visualize an aquarium tank filled with colorful fish swimming around.  The fish are my thoughts, and the aquarium is my mind.  Instead of trying to follow one moving fish, while another swims past and catches my eye, I just watch them all swim around, enjoy the colors and move into a ‘ZEN’ like state.  Once I AM CALM, I Am able to refocus and place my thoughts on one idea.  From there, I BUILD.

Mary E.K. Denison, L.Ac., M.Om, CP, www.BeautifyNaturally.com  www.mitzi.byregion.net