New Year, New Paradigms

It can be amazing how something can shift in your life, and how you can immediately shift the way you think. For example, I have had cats and dogs for easily the past 40+ years.  They require care, and sometimes lots of care and time,  especially if you get a high maintenance buddy.  I had no idea how that time and care could increase (when you have several animals) until they got fleas because two of them had gotten into a dead rabbit.  WOW! If you’ve ever had fleas in your house, you understand what I am saying.  Not only do you have to spend the next three months, minimum, to get through all the cycles of killing them from your animals, you have to de-flea the ENTIRE house, several times over.  Flea eggs can lay dormant for three months – and they are TINY.  I was truly amazed at how quickly I detached from many items in  my house.  This is because all clothes, furniture, carpeting, KNICK KNACKS, books, shelves, floors, counter tops, and anything in the open, must be cleaned with either bleach, or special cleaning agents meant for that purpose, and because fleas have INCREDIBLE jumping power, you have no idea where they are..

So, once I found out, I immediately started bathing the animals – Oh GOD – while my son made a clean room, and as things were de-flea’d to the best of our possibility, we put our cleaned items in there until we got through the whole house, more than once. I don’t wish this on my worst enemy.  So, I questioned God, for what PURPOSE did You send me fleas?  And, my answer was so that I could learn detachment.  I built a fire in the fireplace that night, and I simply started burning things that I no longer wanted to keep.  I was concerned about passing them on to someone else, and the amount of laundry that this created, not knowing what might have fleas as cats go EVERYWHERE, gave us enough work.  So, I pillaged and burned that night.. I started crying, not because of the loss of items, but because I knew the amount of work I and my sons had ahead of us, and I mourned the loss of time that I had planned on spending on my business.  So, when the answer of detachment to things came to me, I had a new light on what was happening, and I now still continue to purge those things  which no longer have use in my life, or use for the greater good.  There is ALWAYS a silver lining, a spark of Light.

Reflecting on 2016, what desires did you have, or how hard did you work for something but you didn’t get the outcome you were looking for?  I’m sure many of us can relate to that.  I know I can, and had a particular thing I thought could happen – and it still might – but I had to let go of the how and my expectation of how, and that I might not get it. How did that make you feel?  I know I experienced sadness, actually a great sadness, because I REALLY wanted my outcome to happen.  I had a whole future planned around it.  Again, the story may not be completed, yet, for me. I have to honor that part of me, and respect the whole story, my participation, and willingness to simply experience the experience. I have a whole book I could write on it. Who knows, it could actually make me rich, in the end.  I kicked and screamed, and cursed, and apologized, and asked for forgiveness, and cried, and laughed, and felt incredible love. I’m not afraid to cry. As growth is very important to me, I use techniques that I have learned to dig deeper into my subconscious, to understand where the real root lies in me to have created this whole scenario. Somewhere, somehow, it vibrates with some other deep experience.  I use EFT tapping, the Sway test, the Healing Code, Prayer – lots of Prayer, and I look for what the positives in this has done for me, and what was taught to me, and how the love always came like a golden ribbon swirling its way through it all. I am GRATEFUL and gratitude begets FAITH. Certain numbers would appear to me, like 234, 1234, which I am told are Angel numbers, and I am forever finding pennies and dimes on the ground – they jump out at me now.  My daily readings seemed to back up my participation, so I believed that I was to go through this for my greater good.

I encourage you to reflect on the most important experiences you had that made the biggest impression on you, but that might also have created a deep hurt in you.  Honor that.  Everything you need is inside you.  Nothing is bigger than you.  Call on something greater than you, and listen in stillness. You are surrounded by Light, and you are in the middle of a miracle. You are beautiful. You are worthy of love. Love is your birthright.

How can I help?

Mary EK Denison, L.Ac., CCP,  Esthetician, Transformational Coach

Rapha-El Alternative Therapies, LLC/BeautifyNaturally Facial Rejuvenation and BodySculpting    612-728-0844

Free 30 minute face to face consultation for BeautifyNaturally services, by appointment only.

Phone coaching available, $75.00/hour (one hour minimum), appointment set up in advance, secured with a credit card.

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