Tag Archives: alert

Awake to Awareness, your Inner Light

For much of my life, I have had cats.  They have ALWAYS AMAZED me the way they do their day.  It seems like they are sleeping most of the time (unless they are kittens who tend to play), or lazily walking around the house.  Before they get up from a nap, they like to stretch their whole body, as if they don’t have a care in the world – and many of them don’t.  But, when they place their FOCUS ON SOMETHING, they are very much aware what is going on.  For instance, there have been times when a bird has fallen into my fireplace (I keep a screen around it) and my hunter will stay in front of it for hours, just waiting.  Totally AWARE.  Totally ALERT. Totally focused and fixated.  In order for me to save the bird, I have to lock the cat up in another room, open the front door and try to chase the bird in that direction.  Eventually, I WIN.  I Am totally aware of the bird, at all times.  I Am totally focused, for if I wasn’t, I may not see that the bird flew into a different room instead of out the door.  Only after the bird is safe does the cat get let out.  She is still aware, but also knows that there is nothing to be fixated on any longer.  Then she goes and attends something else, usually on her food.  Then back to napping. The other thing I’ve noticed about cats (or dogs) is that even though they seem to spend a fair amount of time resting, when duty calls, they are totally alert and READY FOR THE JOB AT HAND.  And, they stay with that job until it is done.

Animals have high instincts, but they cannot ENVISION THE FUTURE, like we can.  At least we are CAPABLE of envisioning a future providing we place our ATTENTION on one.  Some people walk around ‘asleep’ for most of the time, half heartedly doing their ‘job’, but not in a RESTED STATE.  As a matter of fact, many are in a stressed state, and aren’t able to envision their future, for whatever reason.  Or, they envision a future that mirrors the state they are currently in.  By keeping themselves in a negative vibrational state, they attract the same type of energy. Half-hearted awareness can create confusion, dullness, and cause us to misunderstand the world around us.  A person who has awareness is more CALM AND PRESENT  because they CAN envision a BRIGHTER FUTURE.  They have CLARITY.  They have PURPOSE.  They can FORMULATE PLANS from their desires, and carry those plans out. Their awareness SHINES LIGHT on their future.  It’s as if your mind were a light bulb and awareness provides the current to turn it on.  I Am sure most of you have seen in cartoons whenever someone has an idea it is shown by a lightbulb turning on over their head.  They became ‘aware’ of an idea.  THOUGHTS ARE THINGS, when you place YOUR CONTINUED ATTENTION on it.  A thought follows another thought, and those thoughts continue to work on the idea as long as you keep YOUR DESIRE AND PERSISTENCE on that idea. COMMITMENT coupled with FAITH IS KEY.  When you are committed, PROVIDENCE TAKES OVER and provides you with the means to carry it out.  People come into your path, money shows up, doors open.  It may not be in the timeframe that we think it should happen, but IT IS HAPPENING AS IT SHOULD.

Keep your awareness sharp and vibrant (HIGH VIBRATIONS).  Awareness provides THE LIGHT YOU NEED, just like a light in a dark room.  You know when your flashlight’s batteries are low because the light becomes dim; therefore, the objects around you aren’t as clear and may even look like something else, altogether.  Keep the batteries of your mind new.  Place focus on your thoughts.  Don’t let mindless chatter, or worry rob you of the energy that you could be using for greater things.  Whatever you are doing right now, DO IT WITH GREATNESS.  OBSERVE WITHOUT JUDGEMENT.  When my mind moves into ‘cerebral chatter’, I visualize an aquarium tank filled with colorful fish swimming around.  The fish are my thoughts, and the aquarium is my mind.  Instead of trying to follow one moving fish, while another swims past and catches my eye, I just watch them all swim around, enjoy the colors and move into a ‘ZEN’ like state.  Once I AM CALM, I Am able to refocus and place my thoughts on one idea.  From there, I BUILD.

Mary E.K. Denison, L.Ac., M.Om, CP, www.BeautifyNaturally.com  www.mitzi.byregion.net